We’re excited to announce a completely new version of Thingealogy with several new highly-requested features! These features will make it easier to use Thingealogy — and will allow you to use it in a variety of different ways. Whether you are sharing the stories behind a favorite hobby collection, are helping your parents organize for downsizing, or are involved in estate planning, our new features are sure to make your life easier. Let’s dive into what’s new.

1. A Simple-Yet-Powerful Brand New Interface

We completely revamped the interface for Thingealogy V2. The clean, intuitive design is easier to use, yet more powerful than before.

Toggle between Gallery/Grid view to get a bird’s-eye perspective, and List view to see everything in detail. Bulk editing is simple with new spreadsheet-like capabilities. 

2. Categorize by Workspace

There’s a new way to categorize your Things, beyond Collections. The Workspace level displays all Collections and their Things in a higher-level category for users who are managing more than one group of items. Workspaces will be especially helpful to those who are using Thingealogy for estate planning and beneficiary designation, as well as for users who are helping multiple family members share and organize their Things.

3. Easy Toggling Between Workspaces

If you’re managing multiple estates, you can easily toggle between them via the Workspaces feature, without having to set up separate accounts. Our professional estate planner users will be especially happy about this feature, since the multiple estates they are working with can give them Collaborator access. 

4. Add Collaborators to Any Workspace or Collection

If you’re helping a family member organize their Things and tell their stories, you may have siblings or other collaborators assisting you. In Thingealogy V2, you can easily add collaborators to any Workspace or Collection and assign specific permissions to allow them to view, comment and/or edit. No more having to manage everything on your own!

We’re thrilled to offer Thingealogy V2 to you, available starting today. And we’d love for you to help us spread the word to your friends and family!

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